Assessment of Virtual Lab Integration Capacity Improvement Need of University Teachers in Electrical/Electronic Technology Practical Class to Surpass Lockdown Barriers

Document Type : Research Paper


Nsukka, Enugu State


Global Outbreaks such as infections, natural disasters and societal unrest/conflict affect all aspects of human activities including education. Outbreaks, which always prompted closure of educational institutions globally purposely to flatten the epidemiological curve and avert morbidity and mortality caused by them, caused all educational activities in electrical/electronics technology related courses done at home through online mode. Thus, theory classes are conveniently conducted online. Still, educational institutions found it challenging to complete part of syllabus related to electrical/electronics technology laboratory experiments because university teachers have lesser ability in developing and implementing virtual lab technology. The study assessed virtual lab integration capacity improvement needs of University teachers during electrical/electronics technology practical class to surpass lockdown barriers. The study answered three research questions. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study surveyed 129 research participants comprising 82 electrical/electronics technology teachers (instructors and lecturers) and 47 computer education lecturers in the three universities in south-east geo-political zone in Nigeria. The study adopted questionnaire which has three scales developed by researchers for data collection. The reliability coefficients for the three scales of the instrument were 0.76, 0.88 and 0.80. The data collected from the respondents was analysed using mean, standard deviation, weighted mean and Improvement Required Index (IRI), and Cohen’d formula. Finding of the study claimed that all 23 virtual lab capacity improvement needs item inventory are required by EET teachers in the universities. Finding claimed that all 22-item list are the perceived problems obstructing the integration of virtual lab in teaching EET courses in universities. Finally, finding upholds that all 13-item list are the perceived way forwards to the problems obstructing the integration of virtual lab in teaching EET courses in universities.


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