Solving a New Multi-Objective Model for a Tool Switching Problem in Flexible Manufacturing Systems by a Genetic Algorithm

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Engineering, Kharazmi University

3 University of Kharazmi


This paper deals with the Tool Switching Problem (ToSP), a famous problem in operations research. The simple ToSP includes finding a sequence of products and tool loading on a machine with the objective of minimizing the total number of tool switches. This paper presents a new multi-objective model for the ToSP, in which unlike the previous studies, the multi job tools have been considered (i.e., each tool can perform several tasks or jobs). This new model determines a product sequence and tool assigning for each stage that optimizes three objectives, namely 1) minimizing the total number of tool switches, 2) minimizing the overuse of tools per stage, and 3) balancing the tool usage. It is known that the ToSP is an NP-hard one, which is so difficult to be optimally solved in a reasonable computational time for large size problems. Therefore, a meta-heuristic, based on genetic algorithm (GA), is proposed in this study to solve such a hard problem. Moreover, a new tool loading algorithm is used to help the proposed GA related to the machine loading. Finally, the related results and conclusion are presented and discussed. The results of the numerical examples represented that the obtained results by GA are 3.5%. far from the optimum solutions found by the Branch-and-bound method.


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