Enhancing Traffic Signal Split Control with Pedestrian Puddle Information Integration

Document Type : ODSIE 2024


Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Isparta University of Applied Sciences


Traffic congestion in urban areas is a pressing societal issue with far-reaching environmental and economic consequences. The persistent traffic jams, particularly at intersections, contribute to air pollution, fuel inefficiency, and lost productivity. As a result, there is an increasing focus on adaptive traffic signal control strategies to alleviate congestion. Traditional traffic signal systems primarily rely on vehicle information, often neglecting the impact of pedestrian flow. This study introduces an innovative traffic signal split control algorithm that incorporates both vehicle and pedestrian data, aiming to create a more balanced approach to urban traffic management. Utilizing the SUMO traffic simulation software, the study replicates realistic intersection scenarios, including vehicle and pedestrian movements, to assess the performance of this integrated control method. The results demonstrate that incorporating pedestrian information significantly reduces pedestrian waiting times at crosswalks, optimizing the flow for both pedestrians and vehicles. This dual-focus system provides a more inclusive approach to traffic management by considering all road users, rather than just vehicles. By improving the synchronization of traffic lights to accommodate both vehicle and pedestrian dynamics, the proposed method enhances road safety and helps mitigate congestion. This research represents a significant step forward in the development of adaptive traffic signal control, offering valuable insights into the potential for more efficient and sustainable urban transportation systems.


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