A Review of Transportation and Urban System in Istanbul via Innovation Process

Document Type : Review Paper





Highways in Turkey have a high share on modal distribution and mass transportation cannot get the share that it needs to be, so this case makes traffic problems getting worse. Local governments are aiming to manage the cities more effectively with innovative decision process. To minimize traffic congestion and congestion-related problems technical solutions, political decisions, and society management about changing habit culture habits are required. Urbanization, digitalization and sustainability are the mobility phenomena of 21st century. Intelligent transportation system has a unique role at this mentioned position for all elements, stakeholders and parties. Transportation policies and innovative approaches are necessary at this point. And an integrated plan and approach have a vital role for all stakeholders and the society. At this point in Turkey, big cities have some constitutional problems for years. Istanbul is a unique mega city in the country and all over the world. Government has to think and apply by a high level technique and hardware to this issue. Solutions for Istanbul o transportation and urbanization will be a huge experience for developed and developing countries. In this paper data on modal distribution of transportation modes in Istanbul are presented and the effect of mass transport in the city of Istanbul, especially the seaways is examined. This table is evaluated comparison to Bosporus bridges access traffic conditions.


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