Selecting the Optimal Resolution Strategy for Sizing a Job-Shop Manufacturing System using Simulation Approach

Document Type : ODSIE 2024


1 OLID, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia

2 Lasem Laboratory, ENIS, university of sfax, sfax, Tunisia

3 Department of technology, IPEIS, university of sfax, sfax, Tunisia


One of the critical optimization challenges in production logistics is the manufacturing system (MS) sizing problem, which involves determining the optimal configuration and capacity for each type of resource within a manufacturing system. This encompasses the selection of an adequate number of machines, labor, and material handling systems (MHS) to efficiently meet production targets while minimizing costs and ensuring flexibility. As manufacturing environments become increasingly complex and dynamic, addressing this problem has gained significant importance for improving the efficiency and responsiveness of production systems.
This paper proposes an investigation to further improve the MS sizing problem by evaluating and comparing five alternative resolution orders for addressing the three key issues: machine selection, labor selection, and MHS fleet sizing. To validate these alternatives, a discrete-event simulation model is developed and applied to a job shop MS. The model captures the intricate interactions between resources production and transfer process providing valuable insights into the performance of each alternative.
Through simulation-based analysis, this work aims to offer practical guidance on selecting the most suitable order for resource optimization, contributing to enhanced decision-making in production logistics and manufacturing system design.


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